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Executable Solutions Amidst Challenging Markets

Electrical & Value Engineering

Services & Value Engineering

At Aglow Power we significantly leverage our engineering background to provide a wide array of electrical services across industries with a heavy specialization in design/build solutions. 


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3D Modeling & Augmentation

A powerful tool in electrical design is the use of SolidWorks 3D modeling for power distribution assessment and  ergonomics; how our design will interact with MEP systems given a limited space. Our Six-Step Solution:

Warehouse | Storage | Fit Outs | Logistics | Shell Building

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STEP 1. Load Calculation & 3D Modeling of Power Distribution 

STEP 2. Power Distribution Assembled To Design Spec by Manufacturer

Implementation & Close Outs

STEP 3. Adjustments to Space Envelope  & Approval by Owners

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STEP 4. Updates Issued to Owners & Utility Company

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STEP 5. Final Installation & Troubleshooting 

STEP 6. Quality Control & Close Outs

Case Study: Power Upgrade for University Campus

Our team was commissioned to transfer the electrical source for the 135-acres campus from its operated power plant to the utility grid. Although our company has been performing general maintenance services for over ten years, Atlantic Union College administration required a complete campus turnover, start to finish, in 

Five (06) Off Campus Housing : 200 120/208V Service Upgrade

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Cafeteria, Library, and Science Building : 400A 120/208V Service Upgrade & Improvements

Interior Power Distribution .HEIC

Two (02) Septic Chamber Installation & Controllers

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135-acre University Campus

Power Plant Exterior Upgrades 

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Five (05)  400 120/208V Service Upgrade

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Fire Alarm Installation & Upgrade for All Buildings

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Power Plant Upgrades

Capital Improvement

Working with equity firms and private investors in the vertically integrated real estate market has provided Aglow a strong grasp of the economical impact that electrical systems on investment ventures. From Aglow's perspective, capital improvement is an artform of aligning investment objectives, meeting code requirements, and achieving efficiency benchmark within tight budgets. As a response to this requirement, our pre-construction team employs non-intrusive technology to recreate layouts in 3D and superimpose various scenarios with stipulated budgets for consideration. 
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35 Columbus Street (Layout Reconstruction)
Catholic school conversion into 28-apartment units. Three (03) electrical scenario systems were created for review


of portfolio projects require Life Safety Updates


of Conversion projects require complete power revamp.

Inspection Methods 

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